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Center for Teaching and Learning - Clovis Community College: Peer Online Course Review (POCR)

Peer Online Course Review

blue background banner with text that reads: Peer Online Course Review. On the right, there is a photo of the Clovis Crush mascot holding 2 playing cards.

Interested in submitting your class for review? Complete this application: Submit your online course for peer review

About POCR

The Peer Online Course Review (POCR) process provides faculty with an opportunity to engage in a supportive, collaborative review of their online courses with a trained POCR peer reviewer. This peer reviewer, a faculty member from Clovis Community College, has completed specialized training in applying the CVC Online Course Design Rubric, which emphasizes accessibility, usability, and effective online teaching practices.

Throughout the POCR process, the team partners with each faculty member to review their course in detail, providing specific guidance on revisions needed to meet rubric alignment standards. Upon completing any suggested revisions, the faculty member’s course is designated as Quality Reviewed on the CVC Exchange, increasing its visibility and accessibility to students across California.

Screenshot showing the Quality Reviewed badge

POCR is distinct from formal evaluations or tenure reviews. Instead, it offers a friendly, constructive way to receive feedback on Canvas course design in a manner that respects each discipline’s unique teaching approaches and each instructor’s personal style. All feedback is confidential, intended solely for instructional improvement. Faculty can expect an initial review, collaborative feedback sessions, and support with final submissions to achieve alignment. Read more about our process below.

POCR at Clovis Community College

POCR Process Chart

POCR flowchart, described in POCR Process

To earn your Quality Reviewed badge, you'll submit your course to be reviewed by our Local POCR team. Our Local POCR team is made up of faculty peer reviewers who've completed additional training from the CVC. 

Local POCR Review Process

Our Local POCR Process involves six steps to help you achieve alignment with the CVC Course Design Rubric and obtain a Quality Reviewed designation:

Step 1 - Course Submission:

  • Submit your course for review by completing the "Submit your online course for peer review" application.
  • The course should meet these criteria:
    • It has been taught fully online at least once during a regular semester (at least 9 weeks long).
    • It is offered online regularly (at least once a year).

Step 2: Course Review by Faculty POCR Reviewers

  • One or more trained Faculty POCR Reviewers will evaluate a copy of your course using the CVC Course Design rubric. This copy will not include any student data or assignment submissions.
  • Reviewers will focus on published items in the course, although Section D (Accessibility) will include a review of all course elements.
  • The review may take up to one month.

Step 3: Summary of Review

  • POCR Reviewers will submit their feedback to the POCR Lead (currently Tracy Stuntz, Instructional Designer), who will compile the review into a single document identifying areas needing improvement according to the CVC Course Design Rubric. This document will be shared with you and our instructional designer.

Step 4: Feedback Meeting

  • The instructional designer will reach out to arrange a meeting to discuss the review document. During this session, you’ll work with the instructional designer to create a plan for revising your course to meet rubric standards, with scheduled check-ins to support you through the process.
  • The instructional designer can assist with accessibility resources, Canvas tools, and other specific supports as needed.

Step 5: Course Revisions

  • Working with the instructional designer, you’ll implement the agreed-upon revisions at your own pace. You may set a timeline or proceed as quickly or slowly as you prefer. During this phase, the instructional designer will also identify any accessibility issues and assist with resolving them.
  • Before final submission, the instructional designer can provide a final review to ensure all rubric standards are met.

Step 6: Final Submission and Quality Reviewed Badge

  • Once all revisions are complete and your course aligns with the CVC Course Design Rubric, the POCR Lead will submit your course to the CVC website. Your course will receive a Quality Reviewed badge, which places it at the top of search results for students looking for online classes and reflects alignment with statewide standards for quality online education.

This Local POCR Process is designed to be collaborative and supportive, helping you refine your online course in a way that aligns with best practices while honoring your unique teaching style.


POCR Lead: Tracy Stuntz (instructional designer)

POCR Reviewers:

  • Heather Boynton (Early Childhood Education)
  • Stephanie Briones (Communication)
  • Sanjiva Gunasekara (Biology)
  • Cody Hoover (English)
  • Jenna Irish (Math)
  • Teresa Mendes (English)
  • Liz Romero (Early Childhood Education) 
  • Jared Rutledge (Biology)
  • Melanie Sanwo (English)

POCR Aligned Classes

Faculty  Course
Heather Boynton Early Childhood Education (ECE) 1: Principles & Practices of Teaching Young Children
Suzie Brandl ECE 6: Health, Safety and Nutrition in Early Childhood Education
Alexandra Caloca Accounting 4A: Financial Accounting
Stephanie Coffman Biology 3: Introduction to Life Science
Cynthia Elm Statistics 7: Elementary Statistics
Sanjiva Gunasekara Biology 3: Introduction to Life Science
Eugene Hannon Biology 3: Introduction to Life Science
Cody Hoover English 1A: Reading and Composition
Jenna Irish Math 10A: Structures and Concepts in Mathematics I
Shawon Jackson-Ybarra Political Science 2: American Government
Shawon Jackson-Ybarra Political Science 3: Introduction to Political Theory and Thought
Teresa Mendes English 1A: Reading and Composition
Liz Romero ECE 1: Principles & Practices of Teaching Young Children
Charlotte Samuels Political Science 2: American Government
Christopher Schwandt History 11: History of United States to 1877
Christopher Schwandt History 12: History of the United States Since 1865 
Tracy Stuntz Communication 1: Public Speaking
Sheila Wright English 1A: Reading and Composition