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Center for Teaching and Learning - Clovis Community College: DE Flex Series - Fall 2022

Fall 2022 DE Flex

Fall 2022 DE Flex Series

Last year’s DE Flex sessions focused on going back to the basics and re-learning good online practices. This year we are going to continue that trend and work on removing the “emergency” part from the emergency remote teaching we’ve been doing to work toward building high quality courses. We have three sessions coming up: 

Session 1: Flexibility with Boundaries

During COVID, many faculty revised policies around late work and absences. As we begin this semester, you may find that the very generous late policies you had during COVID aren’t serving your students anymore. While we know flexible late policies can help students who have a lot of obligations outside of the classroom, there are students who struggle without deadlines. This session will focus on creating structure in your courses with flexibility and boundaries to help students be successful.  

Session 2: “How can I get my students to read / watch my videos?” 

We get this question a lot! Getting students to engage with content, whether it is to watch a video or to read content on a Canvas page, can be frustrating. This session will address “sandwiching” your content with transparency and accountability. By telling the students how and what to do with the content, and keeping them accountable at the end, you can help them gain self-regulating strategies that will help them in future classes and in sequencing tasks in their everyday lives.  

Session 3: UDL and the Plus 1 Approach

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a framework faculty can use to think about how to deliver content to students. It allows faculty to approach teaching in a way that makes learning better for ALL of your students. In this session, we will review the principles of UDL and introduce the idea of the Plus 1 approach to building multiple methods in your own courses (without being too overwhelming!). 

Flexibility with Boundaries

How can I get my students to read/watch my videos?

UDL Plus 1