Teresa Mendes &Tracy Stuntz
Please join us for the Distance Education Flex Series! Whether you teach online or simply use Canvas in your course, these sessions will improve your students’ experience.
All instructors are welcome! How do you take your syllabus or another instructor’s syllabus and ensure that it meets accessibility requirements! Join us to learn how!
Updates to Title 5 require online instructors to incorporate student-to-student contact in their online courses. But why is student-to-student interaction important for any course? In this session, we’ll review the research that shows how learning is a social process and review the definition of regular and effective contact and investigate ways beyond the discussion board to facilitate contact between students.
Often when we think of learning objectives, we think about the SLOs for our course. The objectives that we write for each module of our online courses are a bit different. In this session, we will discuss the purpose of learning objectives for each unit of the course. Where do we get them? How do we write them? Do they have anything to do with SLOs? Come join us to see how you can align with the OEI-CVC rubric section A.