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Center for Teaching and Learning - Clovis Community College: DE Flex Series - Fall 2021

DE Flex Series - Fall 2021

DE Flex Series Fall 2021

Increasing Equity in Online Learning: Applying the Peralta Equity Rubric

Often when we talk about equity and online learning, we talk about it in terms of access. And access is an important part of equity, but course design is also important when we think about whether our courses are welcoming and accessible to all students. In this short Flex, we will review the rubric and the self-paced Canvas course available so that you can review your own class throughout the semester. We will have two follow-up sessions to talk about the areas of the rubric and how your own evaluation is going!

Canvas Feature/Tool Updates (New Quizzes)

Over the last year, Canvas has updated quite a few features. We will give a short update, and then focus on one of the biggest changes, New Quizzes. Soon, the current quizzes tool in Canvas will be retired, so if you use the quiz tool in your course, we strongly encourage you to join us for this session.

Making Videos? Come to learn more about Canvas Studio!

Canvas Studio is an excellent tool for making videos. Come to this session to learn how to embed quizzes, add a discussion, make an assignment, etc. using the videos you’re creating in your class. You can upload existing videos into Studio or create new ones in the tool itself. Studio also has automatic captions.

Increasing Equity in Online Learning: Applying the Peralta Equity Rubric

Canvas Feature/Tool Updates (New Quizzes)

Making Videos? Come to learn more about Canvas Studio!