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Center for Teaching and Learning - Clovis Community College: DE Flex Series Fall 2023

Fall 2023 DE Flex

DE Flex Series Fall 2023 

Survey Your Students Throughout the Semester 

There are many opportunities throughout the semester to learn more about your students and/or how they’re feeling about your class. This session will highlight three opportunities: the beginning, middle, and end of semester, and what types of questions you may want to ask during those times. You will also be able to share your experiences and ask any questions you may have about how to respond to the students afterwards.

Regular Effective Contact Check-In 

Regular effective contact isn’t just an accreditation requirement, it’s also the gold standard for high quality online courses. This session will ask you to review the contact in your online classes – both between you and the students and among your students. You will be able to share your practices, hear other practices, and ask any questions you may have about regular effective contact. 

Using Feedback and Rubrics in Canvas  

Canvas offers so many different ways of offering feedback on your student’s submissions. This session will start with a mini tour of Canvas SpeedGrader, highlighting some of the newer features. Throughout the tour, we will discuss different types of feedback to use in the different areas, and how you can use shortcuts to save time while still giving quality feedback. You will be able to share your practices, hear other practices, and ask any questions you may have about Canvas and assessments.  

Survey Your Students Throughout the Semester

Regular Effective Contact Check-In

Using Feedback and Rubrics in Canvas