The theme for Spring 2025 DE Flex focuses is Moore’s Theory of Interaction: a foundational framework for effective online teaching and learning. Each of the sessions will include a short overview of the interaction type, and multiple tips for incorporating that type of interaction.
This session will cover ways to be present and approachable, like using personalized video messages, giving helpful feedback, and keeping communication clear and timely. We’ll also give you tips on how to set expectations and build trust with your students, so they feel supported and motivated to succeed in your class.
This session will explore ideas for getting students to work together on group projects, share ideas in discussions, and give each other feedback. We’ll also look at how to encourage unstructured student-to-student communication, such as informal chats or study groups, to help build a sense of community.
In this part of the training, we’ll focus on adding instructions to videos so students can actively engage with the content while they’re watching, and how to use shorter videos with built-in assessments to keep students on track. We will also share fun ways to incorporate multimedia and HTML elements into Canvas to spice up your course and help students stay connected as they learn.