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Women's History Month: Find Books

Madame Curie Complex Women in Science
Feminism for the Americas Making the international human rights movement
Girlhood Essays
Fastpitch Women and Softball
Nobody's Girl Friday : Women who Ran Hollywood
Yale Needs Women
Becoming book
Breathing Fire : Female Inmate Firefighters in California
Women Warriors Unexpected History

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Below are several subject terms related to our topic from the OneSearch library catalog. Subject terms are very specific phrases given to items because they describe their content as a whole. It's a very precise way to search!


To search for a more complex topic in the catalog or other search tools, combine two or more ideas with the command word "AND."
For example;

"women AND science" • "women AND literature"  "women AND literature AND United States"

Below you can begin a search for books and more using the OneSearch library catalog. The catalog will find books on our shelves, ebooks, articles, physical books at other State Center college libraries (many of which you can request for free pick up at our campus), and Open Access resources free on the web.

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Sally Ride biography
When Women Invented Television
Who Let Them In Women in Journalism
Trailblazers Black women who helped make America great
Rise of the Rocket Girls
Wise Gals Spies Who Built the CIA
Great Lives American Women
The Indomitable Florence Finch, War Widow Resistance Fighter and Savior of American POWs
Hidden Figures
Prarie Fires Laura Ingalls Wilder
Broad Band Women and the Internet book
Pirate's Wife Life Sarah Kidd
Brazen Rebel Ladies Rocked the World

Notable Authors

Barbara Kingsolver

Poisonwood Bible book

Pearl S. Buck

god's men book

Toni Morrison

Home novel

Susan Sontag

In America book

Jacqueline Woodson

Brown Girl Dreaming

Becky Chambers

A Closed and Common Orbit book

Diana Gabaldon

Voyager book

Emily Dickinson

Emily Dickenson selections book

Virginia Woolf

To the lighthouse book

Amy Tan

kitchen god's wife book

Octavia Butler

Mind of my mind book

Louise Erdrich

Love Medicine book

Joyce Carol Oates

Sourland book

Gail Gibbons

The Moon book

Julie Otsuka

When the Emperor Was Divine book

Louisa May Alcott

Little Women ebook

Grace Lin

Big bed for little moon picture book

Jane  Yolen

How Do Dinosaurs Go to School picture book

Sandra Cisneros

Marita I remember you book

Find Ebooks with the Library Catalog

Find thousands of ebooks with the catalog! You can read them anywhere you have Internet access. The majority of our ebooks you find don't need to be checked out and do not have due dates, simply click and read!

Career and Family book
Making Choices, Making Do book
Comic Book Women book
Camp Fire Girls book
Rise of Corporate Feminism book
Women of the American Revolution book
Suffrage Epic Struggle book

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