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American Government: Research Database: Articles and More

About Research Databases

open laptop computerThe library's research databases are collections of credible, trustworthy sources of information to assist with research. They are provided at no extra cost to our current students, faculty, and staff. Use the databases on this page to find thousands of research-worthy materials on this topic anytime and as often as you like. Find a full list on the library's Research Databases page.

To use databases off-campus, users will be asked to log in using their SCCCD credentials (the same username and password needed to log in to Canvas or CCC email).

Find database tutorials on our "How to Find Articles" research guide to get detailed instructions on how to begin a search, and the Citation Help and Plagiarism Awareness Guide can help students put the finishing touches on their projects, i.e. citing sources correctly. And lastly, students are always encouraged to contact us to get help with research.

journal articles clipartWhat Kind of Article Do I Need?
Scholarly vs Popular

The Find Articles research guide describes the different types of sources found in our databases so that you can choose the right types of articles you require for your assignments.


General Research

Current Events

Streaming Video

537 Votes film

537 Votes (HBO)
Building a Movement film

Building a Movement (PBS)
Clarence Thomas film

Clarence and Ginni Thomas: Politics, Power and the Supreme Court (PBS)
Four hours at the capitol film

Four Hours at the Capitol (HBO)

Citing Your Sources

pencil and paper graphicMany assignments for this subject will require you to use APA citation style. (However, do make sure you verify the citation format with your instructors or check your assignment prompt!) For help citing sources like articles, books, websites, and more, check out the library's How to Cite page. You may also be interested in signing up for a free NoodleTools account, a service that helps you create citations and organize your research.