Below are examples of citations from an MLA formatted Works Cited page, including their corresponding parenthetical in-text citation to highlight various situations, such as multiple authors, sources without authors, and sources without page numbers.
MLA in-text citations follow the author-page format. For more examples and guidance on in-text citations, please visit the Purdue O.W.L.
Journal Article
Magazine Article in Opposing Viewpoints (Database)
Newspaper Article (Website)
Article on Website
Entire Website
Film from a Database
YouTube Video
Below are the nine core elements—the most common attributes of sources used for research—of an MLA citation, with examples on how they are presented in a citation. These elements are then put together, in order, to form a complete citation.
1. Author: authors and/or editors, organization, company name, etc.
2. Title of Source: title of the chapter, essay, webpage or article title
3. Title of Container: book title or title of the journal, magazine, newspaper, website, etc., where the source can be found
4. Other Contributors, editors, narrators, translators, etc.
5. Version, edition
6. Number, volume, and Issue Numbers
7. Publisher: publishers, organizations, government, companies
8. Publication date (includes day, month, year, and/or season)
9. Location (include page number(s) (if applicable), database name (if applicable), and/or web URL address, DOI, etc.)