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Asian American and Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander Heritage Month: Research Databases - Articles and More

About Databases


laptop in use


The library databases connect you to millions of sources of credible, trustworthy information. The sources retrieved from the library databases are great for research purposes and are available to you at no extra cost.

Here you'll find a selection of databases that will be especially useful to discover more on our topic; click on the "more..." link after the database description to get a closed-captioned video tutorial on that resource. You can browse the entire list of databases on the library's "Articles: Research Databases" page.

In order to access library databases off-campus, users will be asked to sign in using their Canvas/SCCCD email credentials.

Top Databases


Asian American series

Asian Americans (Series)
Stories of resilience

Asian American Stories of Resilience and Beyond
Andy Akiho

Andy Akiho, Now Hear This
No Turning Back

Becoming American: The Chinese Experience