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Business Industry Guide: Home

Business Industry Guide


Small Business Development Center

Getting Started

Welcome to the Business Industry Guide

This Business Subject Guide is a one-stop access point to your business related resources available through the Clovis Community College (CCC) Library and more! This guide will help you:

  • Find relevant resources about the business industry
  • Familiarize yourself with the CCC databases that are helpful in researching Business topics and find Journal Articles in those databases
  • Locate external resources that are useful in course work
  • Incorporate citation styles into your research assignments and projects
  • Utilize other library resources such as booking a librarian, 24/7 chat services, and familiarizing yourself with your CCC librarians

Pursuing a career in Business Industry and Information Technology

Business Industry at Clovis Community College

At Clovis Community College, we offer a variety of programs in the Business Industry Pathway.  You may notice in the tabs above, we have provided information that can be useful for researching topics in Accounting, Entrepreneurship, and Marketing. Below is some information about Business. This guide is not comprehensive but intended to be a starting point for researching some of these topics.

Why study Business?

The field of Business Management and Administration encompass planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations. Business Management and Administration career opportunities are available in every sector of the economy.

Clovis Community College Pathways

CCC offers an array of pathways to achieve your academic career whether it be in accounting, business, economics, etc. Please view our Business Industry and Information Technology to learn more.

For a full extensive list on careers, starting salaries based on education, employment, and real time job postings please view the Clovis Community College Careers Page. Navigate down until you see "Business, Management and Administration". Click the link and explore the many careers found in Business Admin!

Example below:

screen shot of Clovis community college Business admin icon

Ever wonder where a specific career will take you in the future? Did you want to know the tasks that are required in a certain career, or the starting pay of a career? Well, look no further as Career Coach is here to

Using Career Coach you can:

  • Take a career assessment and Career Coach will generate possible career choices based on your interest
  • Browse or search for careers and we will give you relevant data on wages, employment, and the training you need
  • Browse or search for the available programs that lead to the career you want

To view more amazing features and career pathways, go to the Career Coach Homepage.