There are many ways you can filter your results for a more refine search.
FULL-TEXT: You always want to make sure that when you're searching within EBSCOhost, you check the Full Text box; this will ensure that every article you pull up will have the full article and not just an abstract.
PEER-REVIEWED: If your instructor is asking you to find "peer-reviewed" journal articles, EBSCOhost is a great place to filter for those. Simply, check the "Peer Reviewed" box.
PUBLICATION DATE: Usually, instructors ask that your sources fall within the last 5-10 years. Because there are constantly new studies and findings coming out, it is important that you retrieve the most up-to-date results. Therefore, make sure you change the publication date accordingly.
SOURCE TYPES: EBSCOhost carries a variety of sources such as academic journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. If you are looking for magazines specifically, you can filter for just magazines by checking the magazines box.
EBSCOhost have what is called Boolean Operators that can help you narrow your research to retrieve the most relevant results.
AND Find articles using both keywords |
OR Find articles using either keywords |
NOT Find articles that excludes the keyword |
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