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Black History Month: Research - Articles and More

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About Databases

Library databases connect you to countless sources of credible, trustworthy, and scholarly information. Sources include articles from scholarly journals including peer reviewed journals, current articles from magazines and newspapers, and reference sources. You can browse the entire list of databases on the main library database page.

In order to access library databases off-campus, you will be asked to sign in using the same credentials you use for Canvas/SCCCD email. More help with using databases can be found on our tutorial playlist on YouTube.

Research Articles

Streaming Video

Find more titles and segments in the Films On Demand "Sociology: African American Studies" category.

Breaking Three Hours: Trailblazing African American Marathon Runners

Breaking Three Hours documentary


Between the World and Me

between the world and me documentary


Frederick Douglass: In Five Speeches

Frederick Douglass photo


Ali, Parks & X: The Fight for Change

Ali, Parks, and X documentary


Periodicals: News & Magazines

Biographies & Reference

Find Ebooks with the Library Catalog

There are thousands of nonfiction and a selection of fiction ebook titles available using the catalog. Ebooks here are very convenient to use; the vast majority of them can be simply read in a web browser anywhere you have Internet access. Off campus: sign in using your SCCCD Canvas/email username and password.

African American Arts
Banking on Freedom
Macbeth in Harlem
Passing the Baton
The Pekin : The RIse and Fall of Chicago's FIrst Black Owned Theater
Poll Power
Shelter in a Time of Storm : How Black Colleges Fostered Generations of Leadership and Activism
Black Matrilineage, Photography, and Representation